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Jobs at this time

Hello, Its me again and this time I will be talking about the jobs we have by saying there names and what they do in that specific job. Tanner: Someone who prepares animal skin to make them into leather goods. Potter:Someone who makes containers from clay, baked or fried in a special oven. Butcher: Someone who cuts and prepares meat for people to eat.

Carter: Someone who makes wheeled vehicles for carrying loads. Thatcher:Someone who builds roofs from straw or reed. Fletcher:Someone who makes arrows. Fuller:Someone who prepares wool in cloth making. Mason: Someone who cuts and sculpts stone. Take in mind that these jobs are only flexible for boys and men to do. Women and girls like me have to stay at home and clean and do what is expected of us. Anyway there is a long journey for a boy/man to become something which they call the master craftsmen which is the highest and best from his job. My brother Jack is now an apprentice which is where master craftsmen teach the little children how they work. They start going to work around the age of 11 as there in no school, mostly for the lords as they can afford it. My father was an apprentice for 2 years until he turned to a journeymen where he can start selling his work and have little wages. My father stayed like that for 5 years then completed his masterpiece ( Which is the only way for a person to become a master craftsmen ). So he completed it and gave it to the owners of the business where they decided to give him a title of a mater craftsmen. Note: A apprentice, the person that is going to start to work dose not really go out of the family business, like my father, my brother Jack is learning how to be a butcher.

Hope you guys found this entry quite long but interesting

See you guys next time ^-^

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